My Story

About Jenna

Short story: I love coffee, Jesus, ice cream, game nights, meeting new people,
ice cream, summer time, reading, cooking, and of course, ice cream.

Scroll down for the longer version.
Here are my generic get-to-know-me facts:
I am the fifth kid out of eight. I have a masters in biblical marriage and family counseling. I am from Michigan. I love my husband, Josh, and my daughter, Ellarose, with all of my heart. My coffee order is an iced coffee with caramel and cream. I can play violin and piano. I have been to 49 states (missing Hawaii!).

I started this blog after I gave birth to my daughter. During my pregnancy with her, It took me tons of time to find the resources and products I needed. During the early stages of motherhood I realized there is yet a whole other set of challenges that take place emotionally and physically.

I created this blog as a space to provide moms and homemakers with inspiration, community, and resources.

As a stay at home mom, I love the ins and outs of parenting and making a house a home but it has been challenging and lonely at times too. Gradually, I found things that sparked joy in mundane days and figured I might as well share with others in case it helps another woman out there feeling the same. Whether it is through a new recipe, new activities to do with your kids, or even a new pair of jeans, I hope my site gives you a boost of inspiration and creativity.

Motherhood and homemaking have been an incredible source of joy for me and I want to be the best mom and homemaker I can be. But you know what they say: It takes a village. Maybe a little bit of our village can be in online spaces too?